Frances Wisebart Jacobs Chapter, NSDAR

Denver, Colorado

Welcome to the website of the Frances Wisebart Jacobs Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR). Our chapter was named after Frances Wisebart Jacobs, the “Mother of Charity.” In 1900, after the opening of what is now known as National Jewish Health, she was “…memorialized as one of 16 Colorado pioneers-and the only woman-in a stained glass portrait in the windows of the dome of the Colorado state capitol.”  “The Women of Colorado are represented by Mrs. Jacobs.” She was “the philanthropist – the doer of good deeds.”  — The Denver Republican, July 4, 1900.

The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, founded in 1890 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., is a non-profit, non-political, volunteer women’s service organization. We are dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America’s future through better education. The DAR offers an opportunity to meet people with similar interests, develop friendships, and to join others who cherish the priceless heritage enjoyed by all while promoting the ideals of patriotism and love of country.


With more than 120 years of tradition, over 1,000,000 members admitted since its founding, a vast array of service work, a historic national headquarters building with extraordinary collections, and countless activities taking place locally, nationally, and globally, there is much to learn about the Daughters of the American Revolution.

We look forward to meeting you and helping you to become a part of this great organization. Our members love our country and see the value in making a difference in the community. We are from a variety of backgrounds and occupations and range in age from 18 to senior, with many different interests and talents serving our community for historic preservation, education, patriotism, and to honor the Patriots of the American Revolution. For more information about joining our chapter or the DAR in general, please contact our chapter regent or membership team using our Contact Us page. We look forward to meeting you soon!